Sunday, September 28, 2008


KaBoom! Have you heard of this organization? If not, I encourage you to familiarize yourself with them. KaBoom's tagline is "it's starts with a playground." Simple, sweet, and packed with much more than one might think.
The story of KaBoom began in 1995 when a young man, Darell Hammond, read a story about two children who suffocated while playing in a car because they didn’t have anywhere else to play. With a vision to provide every child in America access to a great place to play, Darrell started KaBoom, one playground at a time.
Now a nonprofit, KaBoom is in its thirteenth year of service having constructed over 1,300 playgrounds, skateparks, sports fields, and ice rinks across North America. KaBoom rallies "communities to achieve better public policy, funding and public awareness for increased play opportunities nationwide; provide resources, including trainings, challenge grants, and publications for communities that wish to plan a new playspace on their own; and bring together children, business and community interests for a select number of community playspace builds each year." 
Making KaBoom especially unique is that each facility is designed by children and built by the communities (volunteers) who will use them. Nearly every aspect of the design and construction relies on the investment of the surrounding community. What a fun way to bring a community together!
In addition to building play spaces, KaBoom offers a PlaySpace Finder. The PlaySpace Finder is simply a map allowing the viewer to locate playgrounds in their area. Users can also add playgrounds, rate them, post pictures, and share comments. 
And as if that wasn't enough, the KaBoom website is packed full of other exciting resources including: a list of do-it-yourself side projects (chessboard tabletop - how cool?!), community involvement and play advocacy trainings (making your build day green - who isn't a fan of the 3R's?), fundraising ideas (a flamingo hop? you know you want to know more!), and other exciting resources.
Many kudos to KaBoom's founder, Darrell Hammond, and the entire organization. Who doesn't love to play?

1 comment:

Annie said...

Thanks for the great post, A.K.H., and for spreading the word about KaBOOM!. You rock!

Annie Lynsen
Manager, Online Content and Community Development